Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cite the sight of the unseen site:

I was considering for my site: Columbus Circle.
Because the NY Stem Cell Research Foundation is at Amsterdam and 66th. Planned Parenthood is at Broadway and 60th. There is also a very high profile plastic surgeon in this area, there used to be an anti-aging clinic/facility here too but it was shut down because they dispensed illegal prescriptions.
Columbus Circle is well to do area, where people would consider purchasing products made of aborted fetuses. NYC is abortion capital of the US.
I would greatly appreciate comments, or insights on my site.


marc said...

please publish your film

marc said...

seems like it could work...what is the extent? limits?

marc said...

if you are on central park west need to consider the face of the building from the park...not just maintaining the edge but considering the scale these buildings are read at as the parks containment...