Saturday, June 9, 2007



Jose Gutierrez said...

Still working on this one.

Monique said...

i like the joke.

marc said...

you need to make a stronger argument for the body/ garden topography...
or at least a clearer presence of the body...
maybe too much flipping...
still is too shallow...

marc said...

simple things like the territories...
there are 2 gardens right? you show three...
i know you have made some decisions based on time but does it work against the primary information...a dialogue between 2 bodies and 2 gardens..?

marc said...

although i do the reference to the slot machine as a structure...but does it belong in this joke?
(i know you intended a flip (mirror) and not a scroll (spinning slotmachine)

Jose Gutierrez said...

I'm not really sure i see the third garden. The top is female and the bottom is male. The middle part is where the tomatos and cucumbers are (i kno that there is no mention of a cucumber in the male section, but i felt it was implied) the cucumber on the top left and the tomatoes at the bottom right are 'unexposed' (covered by mylar) and are meant to be something of a reference from which to measure the actual change of the cucumber close to the female and the tomatoes close to the male . The vegetables are facing their respective 'owners'.

Jose Gutierrez said...

Do you mean something more like what i had on Wednesday? (i dont kno if you remember).

Jose Gutierrez said...

The philosphy behind this joke is one of deductive logic. One of cause and effect, in which the male causes an effect in the tomatoes, but the female, through the same action as the male, achieves absolutely no effect in the tomatoes, but a completely unexpected effect in the cucumbers.