This is what I was going to show you (Marc) today in class. The diagram shows the male and female, and their relation with the cucumber and tomatoes, respectively. The change in the tomatoes and cucumbers occurs while the picket fence disintegrates, exposing them.
For today I built the construction on the right. This started out as a compost box, but later became cold frames, or flower boxes, and now i think of it more as a seating area. The sides of the enclosure (synonym of garden) show exposure, and how, as you go around it, the wall transitions from solid, to a tight fence, eventually to no fence at all, (except for the two horizontal pieces that would hold the vertical members). The effect of the exposure is the chipboard boxes (cold frames)that rise as the "fence" disintegrates and lowers.
Although it doesn't read as garden, I still don't feel confortable throwing away the idea of the rotating door. I had the idea of changing the bottom half to simulate a picket fence (or some other type of fence), and the top half as maybe shutters, but I'm not sure how much these changes would accomplish.
you started out thinking about the boxes as:
compost boxes for decaying vegetation...
then flower boxes for living vegetation...
then seating boxes for living (vertical) bodies...
i follow the train and come to...
coffin boxes for decaying (horzontal) bodies...
i dont know but this starts to make me laugh if i tweak it and end up with horizontal bodies in these 'body' boxes...then their body is truly and landscape (garden)... and the projections above the surface of the top of the box (their projected/projecting anatomy)
the cucmbers and tomatoes are not implicit and their anatomy is explicit...this is a direct mirror of the joke...
ok...so this may get somewhere...but we cant have students lying around naked in boxes...could it still work with clothed bodies?
how was jury duty...
so what are you thinking?
the rotation of the boxes in nice...not sure about the fences...
not very graceful structurally...
not in a good 'ugly' way either...
seems unresolved
formally you are saying something about folding this line back on itself to define a void...
are you 'on the fence?'
the fences were a means to talk about levels of exposure
if you want to hold on to the idea of the door because its operability was a function of exposure, what if the planting boxes were to shift...rotate...
then it would be more dynamic, there is control, to actively reveal instead of using the datum of the spacing between fences
but whereas the door clearly involved two characters, the new construction, kim mentioned, seems more like a pen. if there are four boxes, four bodies, how are you going to address that there is a binary relationship, cause/effect?
jury duty was good...lol
well, i agree its not resolved. On monday, irene and monique suggested the fence transition from completely together to apart, instead of abruptly changing with each side. I liked this idea, so I've been trying to make it happen. I got it so that it starts as a solid piece and slowly pulls apart until the end, when a space is created wide enough for an entrance; all while the height of the fence descends in a diagonal until the 'entrance', creating a kind of downward spiral. Both the pulling apart of the boards and the shortening of their heights are meant to show exposure.
post a sketch or something...
do you get anything out of my read?
im really only interested in the boxes right now...
as for the other...I am on the fence...
you throw any mAters in court..?
too mAters...
As for the boxes, i was thinking about changing them a bit in order to better show the relation with the outer fence (cause and effect). So by starting at a point (corner) where the fence is solid, and having a continuous upward spiral more closely related to the downward spiral of the fence, the actual relation between the outer part and the inside can be seen more clearly. On Monday, it was commented that i should look into how tomatoes and cucumbers actually grow (the vertical growth of the tomato plant vs the horizontal 'sprawl' of the cucumber plant). My thought to incorporate both actions (vertical and horizontal growth) was to make it so as the inner spiral moves upward, it spreads horizontally (widens). In order to show the qualitative change in the tomato vs the quantitative change in the cucumber (which is shown by the widening and rising of the spiral), i was thinking of using perhaps a transparent material (maybe transparent glass) at the beginning of the upward spiral, and a more opaque material towards the end.(It was said that i should think of density somehow to accomplish this, but haven't yet).
i wouldn't bring glass into it...what you do with the width and spacing of the fence posts should be enough
but we're talking about the fence again when marc keeps talking about the boxes.....
did you buy all that wood for the fence guti?
mostly yea...i'm gonna buy the rest today.
i think i need to figure out the fence exactly, (which i'm almost there) before i move on to the exactness of the boxes, because the fence would be the structure of the whole thing, and the boxes would be on the fence in the beginning and supported by it (and the previous boxes) towards the end of the upward spiral.
do what you think is right.
but i think the project is ABOUT the boxes.
spatially you dont even need the fences...the volume is clearly implied by the line of the boxes...
it makes a volume...it defines the 'property'...
the bodies are landscape...the landscape is body...
that is the joke.
the fence is just a 'fence' for structural clarity.
why dont you build the boxes as you intended the fences...
maybe the character of the box enclosures are 'fence'...then you could still use what you bought.
maybe it gets lighter as it spirals up...maybe that lightness can help you balance the cantilever...the heaviest (densest) box would anchor to the ground...
now the joinery gets interesting as the tectonic of 2 boxes needs to reconcile at the corner...the joint.
the corner joint.
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