Friday, June 15, 2007

I would really appreciate ideas, critiques, notes on the progression of my project. Thanks :)


Kimberly said...

define the project as casket, vanity, or both.
reinforce the 'skewed hourglass' idea by making that form more accessible and the relationship more clear..and the curve of an hourglass is what makes it immediately recognizable
think about the cultural determinants..I'm not sure if you believe that eating disorders are a response to culture based on some things you have mentioned earlier but i think Celebrity culture and the idea of wealth and happiness hinging upon certain physical attributes largely contributes to such issues especially among children.
INVERSE ENTANGLEMENT...along with bondage and confinement seem to really be at the center of what you are trying to do
it seems that the project has taken a very serious tone (maybe it was just the black model) which I actually appreciate, but have you thought about the possibility of bringing in the fun that was the cake?

irene said...

we've talked about how the girl jumping out of the cake consciously puts herself into the role of a sex object. presenting herself to the male gaze. how can this be incorporated as another layer of information?

also reconsider building for yourself, don't be adverse to this being a personal story i.e. duchamp's large glass holding the secret of his relationship with his sister

Monique said...

i was going to "glue" it together with icing actually... kinda like Alex Schweder's defecating building.. he made a cermaic structure and then made motor oil come out of the seams... im thinking baout that in terms of cake.... joke. perhaps a one directional view hole for men?
the male gaze is kinda the inside of the box. outside is the tragedy. layered with icing... making it less abrasive.

I would like to chat with you more, on the hour-glassness. I seem to be stuck there. :)

Irene: lets talk about the sex-object-ness. I am not very good with the "sex" part of anything... so I could use a little help.

marc said...

please dont actually consider building with icing...
unless you are gonna critique 'caulk' in a meaningful way or something...
and precisely...
i think your iron maiden shouldn't get lost...
just the idea of the iron maiden with spikes that stop short to make the shape of the hourglass says something simple and clear...
you can see the body in there conforming to the perfect 'figure'...and its a figure ground reversal...

Monique said...

i agree with you mark.
no, the icing was going to be post-constrcut addition that mimicked
the usage of caulk. :)
How am i going to build an hourglass?
considering materials and fabrication technique, I dont actually know how to skillfully make one at that size. although i think the spikes comming in as the "sandwich" is a great idea, ESPECIALLY when i am using a jacobs ladder "hinge" in my door.
I really like that idea... i think it illustrates a lot in the way the space works- performing its poetics. so i dont want to lose that either. :)
i was thinking of adding a coresette mechanism. when i turn the coridoor into a wall, i was thinking of adding some strings that run through the casket, and perhaps begin to extrude this form of an hourglass in the box, forcing the body inside to shift into position-?
what about the mirrors?
i think i can only use one or the other. unless... i really do use the mirrors as a lure, and place them on the peripheral walls so that the casket still gets internally illuminated and the hourglass wall is facing at you, and the other half is behind you upon entrance. i am thinking of using egg-crate pads because they have "SPIKES" and they are soft, like curves. Additionally I dont actually want to hurt anyone, i just want to demonstrate a concept.
i think adding cake colors, texture, form to this structure will make it downright eerie, maybe Royal Tennenbaums-ish, or perhaps something a little more extreme.

I was thinking of more simply cutting the light column as a curve rather than a straight line, but that may be still too abstract ... Im thinking of bringing in the cake more subtly... like the "icing" but the I was also thinking funny, like trail of slices of cake until you get inside and realize youre trapped in an every shrinking space...[of sorts].

I am actually having a lot of trouble structuring this part.

marc said...

i think you are getting carried away here...
prioritize the space.
i am suggesting you infer the form of the hour glass...since it is the 'figure' of the hour glass that is important here...
the spikes are simply pressures exerted from the exterior to conform the body 'into' the hourglass figure.
however this figure may be a void in your project to suggest an absent body (hourglass)...

marc said...

is the hourglass getting skewed within the confines of the cake?
what happened to projection?
out and the cake and vomitting...
perhaps spikes address this tectonically?

marc said...

'out of the cake'

marc said...

Royal Tennenbaums-ish?
i like the movie too...
but dont make this into a decorator project...
speak thru construction...

marc said...

why dont you consider 'corbelling' as a would give you cake and bricks...if you wanted to associate with other course.

marc said...

your 'brick course'
good switch here...

marc said...

peripheral definitions.

5. a shaped or compressed mass: a cake of soap; a cake of ice.

–verb (used with object)
7. to form into a crust or compact mass.

–verb (used without object)
8. to become formed into a crust or compact mass.

9. a piece of cake, Informal. something easily done: She thought her first solo flight was a piece of cake.
10. take the cake, Informal. a. to surpass all others, esp. in some undesirable quality; be extraordinary or unusual: His arrogance takes the cake.
b. to win first prize.

—Related forms
caky, cakey, adjective

—Synonyms 8. harden, solidify, dry, congeal.

marc said...

from urban dictionary...

1. built like a brick shithouse

1. having to do with a strong and well built person(usually a male)
2. having to do with a beautiful and curvaceous woman

He may be built like a brick shithouse but he does not always think before he acts.

2. Built like a Brick Shithouse

Originally "built like a brick outhouse" this term meant any project that was appealingly overdone or a level of quality that was better than was necessary.

Wow, your girlfriend really IS built like a brick shithouse.

3. Built like a Brick Shithouse

To describe someone who is tall and big built.

" Oh my God, that lad is built like a Brick Shithouse!"