judy chicago
the dinner party
she organized 39 "dinner guests" from 3 time periods: from prehistory to the roman empire, from the beginnings of christianity to the reformation, and from the american to the women's revolution. each plate features a flower-like sculpture which represents the vulva. its actually at the brooklyn museum of art.
what is a 4 letter word...
the construction i had in mind for my first joke was a dark and intimate space, implied to be a room for a peep show, but what lies in the other room would be something completely innocent and pure, displaced into a taboo context. the window one would approach would be semi-reflective to prompt the viewer to question their expectations and reactions.

andrea zittel
a-z raugh furniture
the way zittel creates complex systems with objects that begin to serve multiple purposes is incredibly functional. she investigates the needs of living, and the work that has resulted ranges from furniture, to vehicles, to cellular compartments.
three guys go to a ski lodge...
for my second joke, in order to create two spaces and have the two experiences intersect suggestively, i was considering a shelf/bed system. on one side, one find objects dispersed amongst these shelves, until one, strategically placed, would lead one to reach further beyond. at this moment, one may unknowingly violate the other realm of the space.

juan geuer
Eye-I-Eye-I-Eye-I “introduces an astounding interpersonal intimacy through a machine, albeit a very simple one. Face-shaped two-sided mirrors are suspended between the ceiling and floor on wires. When two people stand on either side of a mirror, each person sees her or his face reflected but with the eyes of the other person. This bizarre merging experience begs questions of individual and collective identities. The 36 mirrors in the gallery enable participants to imagine a communal experience, as if they shared experience of only two is too narrow and confrontational.”
a plane takes off...
the final construction is further removed from the actual joke itself and focuses more on the philosophical implications. two individuals would be positioned a couple feet away from each other, sitting in individual chairs facing a wide mirror. the mirror would have an image imposed on it such that the space in between the individuals would appear to be filled in, giving the allusion that they are actually sharing a bench rather than sitting apart. This places them in a situation where they can begin to question their relationship.
check out the etant donnes link above
thats the way the peep show
where are the original jokes?
how are they matched up?
edited to clarify & thanks marc
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