Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Revised Program
These spaces will be a series of newsstand kiosks combined with broadcasting centers for controversial news directly received from corresponding cameras in Iraq. Each kiosk will be strategically placed throughout the city in locations where there are masses of people who will see the broadcasts, specifically in tourist or government-run areas. The newsstands will each have their own architectural quality to correspond with the building/plaza/space that they occupy. The politically charged broadcasts will also change according to the placement of the kiosks.
In Times Square, for example, there will be soldiers' personal video blogs posted and broadcast inside of the kiosk. At the UN headquarters, there will be news from television and radio stations throughout the entire world, including Al-Jazeera radio programs. In Central Park, the kiosks will send out projections of the current landscape in Iraq and the destruction caused. Each station within Manhattan will correspond to a station in Baghdad, wherein either soldiers post their blogs to a computer, or speak directly into a camera about their experiences, a camera set up to absorb the landscape and the violence, or there are cameras where reporters are allowed to openly describe the conditions.
Each of these architectural spaces will allow for tourists and the general public to get a sense of what is truly going on in Iraq with an unfiltered, unaltered point of view. The camera “eyes” will be placed in a position in Baghdad mirroring that of the broadcast's position in Manhattan.
Class Tomorrow
we're not sure what your intentions were for tomorrow, but most of the class would like to have desk crits as time is precious and we need to be efficient now more than ever. Is that okay with you?
Monday, July 30, 2007
DAK Program

Political Issue:
I started by picking as a political issue the debacle the stock market suffered last week. As the market tries to recover from its worst week in nearly five years, investors will be looking at profit reports from such heavyweights as General Motors Corp., Procter & Gamble Co. and Verizon Communications Inc. In Asia, shares slid this morning after U.S. stocks suffered a second day of heavy losses last week on worries that companies were facing tighter credit conditions, and uncertainty in global equity markets drove up the yen. The stock market will also get a read on U.S. consumers Tuesday, when the Commerce Department reports on personal income and spending. According to the median estimate of economists surveyed Friday by Thomson Financial, June personal income is expected to rise 0.5%, up from a 0.4% gain in May, while spending is expected to edge up 0.2%, less than May's increase of 0.5%.
Wall Street Manhattan
The are a couple of reasons I choose the site. As I went back to my development of the joke and later in the process of construction of the model and the creation of the movie which was referenced to a play by Shakespeare “ Measure for Measure” I discover four issues: Enemy-Enclosure-dark spaces – Bribe. While I was try to discover a site for my program I found that wall street has the most narrow streets in Manhattan and is full of enclosed spaces that they are created by the high of the surrounding buildings. The name of the street derives from the fact that during the 17th century, it formed the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement. In the 1640s basic picket and plank fences denoted plots and residences in the colony. Later, on behalf of the West India Company, Peter Stuyvesant, in part using African slaves, led the Dutch in the construction of a stronger stockade. By the time war had developed with the English, a strengthened 12 foot wall of timber and earth was created by 1653 fortified by palisades. The wall was created, and strengthened over time, as a defense against attack from various Indian tribes, New England colonists, and the British. In 1685 surveyors laid out Wall Street along the lines of the original stockade.[5] The wall was dismantled by the British in 1699.
So until now I have cover the first three issues and Was left whit bribe.
By definition Bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the receiver's conduct. It may be any money, good, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, object of value, advantage, or any promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or public capacity. It is a form of political corruption and is generally considered unethical. In most jurisdictions it is illegal, or at least cause for sanctions from one's employer or professional organization.
We know wall street is the capital of the financial world so all the above issues reflect this site.
The site is located in the corner of Broad street and Exchange Place across from New York Stock Exchange and Federal hall Memorial. The area is surrounded by banks and financial companies and institutions.
A Bank with Vaults – prison
The idea came after the study of the model, joke, and film. I will design a bank with vaults which they will become prison cells when the people deposed their money. The main focus is that people become prisoners of their money without enjoy the simple things life has to offer. Money play also a major in every government which has results to the people. (wars, poverty, crime, etc).The building will be attached to the outer skin and beetween the two building in the corner of Exchange pace like a parasite or a virus to a cell.
Program Quantities
Site: 35’x100’
Lobby: 35’x75’
Vaults: 12’x17’
Any comments would be greatly appreciated, and would really help me.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
i will be in tomorrow afternoon as i explained friday.
i should be there by three.
i know you will be in there working regardless.
One finger on the fence
Political Issue:
I started by picking as a political issue the rise in Venezuelan political exiles seeking asylum in the US, which related to the play and how everyone got banished and went into the forest... I kind of moved away from simply the political exiles, and thought about immigrants in general as exiles, in that they are people who are forced out of their land, whether it be for political, social, economic or religious reasons (even though i don't want to deal with religion).
Jackson Heights, Queens
There are a couple of reasons why i chose this site: The whole process in choosing the site started with me looking at all five boroughs in the city, and checking the ratio between foreign born (immigrant) population, and native (US) population. Queens had the highest percentage of foreign population (46.1%;49% of which were from Latin America) vs. native (53.9%) in the 2000, census. Queens was followed by Brooklyn (37.8% foreign), Manhattan (29.4%), Bronx (29%) and Staten Island (16.4%).
So, I felt it necessary to have the site in Queens.
After that I looked through a couple of Queens neighborhoods like Corona and Flushing, but came upon Jackson Heights and was intrigued by its history and current population.
Jackson Heights was born in 1917 as part of the Garden City Movement. It is the first and largest Garden City in the US. (Garden Cities are planned, self-contained communities surrounded by greenbelts, and containing carefully balanced areas of residences, industry, and agriculture) Jackson Heights is a middle class neighborhood, and one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the country. Most of its residents are immigrants (70%), mostly from Latin America, but also consisting of multi-generational Europeans (Italian, Jewish, Russian, Irish, Polish, etc) and Asians (Phillipines, India, Pakistan, Bengladesh, China, Korea). Little India is located around the 74 ST stop, while the Latin American community surrounds the 82 ST stop on the 7 train.
Also, it should be said that although it has the largest concentration of green spaces in the city, all the gardens in Jackson Heights are privately owned, and only those who have the key have access to the gardens located in between the buildings. The only public park in the neighborhood is Travers Park, which is paved, (except for a few trees that surround one side of it, and a couple of trees around the back, where the children's playground is). My site would be where Travers Park is now (the paved part, not the children's playground area), and probably not the whole park)
So, in a way Jackson Heights relates to the political issue (immigrants) and the joke (garden)
Site Model:
What I wanted to show in the site model was the hierarchy between paved space and green space within each block within the neighborhood. Where the paved space was more prevalent, it was made out of chipboard with green add-ons for the green spaces, and where the green spaces were more prevalent, it was made out of green mat board, with chipboard add-ons, for the paved spaces.
Here is where I have kind of been stuck. Although I think the idea of a greenhouse/community garden is a good one, that would only be a part of the program, and most likely only on the top or back of the building (most likely top). For the second part of the program I was thinking of a series of small, immigrant family-owned businesses lining the street (Although this wouldn't really be a program, rather than a space designated for these businesses; the reason for it being businesses instead of business is because of the shear size of the site, although i can simple reduce the size of the greenhouse and make one specific business). The greenhouse would be on top of these businesses, with public access through all of them, so that the greenhouse/community garden unites all of these immigrant families/ businesses and creates a community within an immigrant population, instead of an isolation (this relates to the play, in which all those who were banish from the dukedom found a community in the place which isolated them from there land(the forest).
Another idea that I had for the second program was a strip club, which directly relates to the joke. With this idea, i could have female strippers on one side of the building, and male strippers on the other, and play with the gender issue of the joke. However, i wouldn't know how to introduce the political issue into the strip club (other than having the strippers be the immigrants), and how it would interact with the greenhouse (yet, although i have an idea). I also don't know how i would introduce the gender issue within the first idea of the businesses, or if its even important at this stage, seeing that its from the joke.
That's it so far, although i know i hav a lot more thinking to do, any comments would be greatly appreciated, and would really help me.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Canidates for Presidency are supposed to be funny?
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
began to play with my model's mechanisms: and used them as the regulatory trajectories/programming datum for the typographical elements of given programmes to the emerge critical spatial relationships from where I will derive my model from.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
updating posts
this was we can refer to it all easily.
be sure to add the stills adjacent the video.
it has been good to hear the dialogue clearly unlike in the room when we viewed...
very good to hear jk clearly...great job.
nice job ryan, would have liked to see more of the completed piece.
Cite the sight of the unseen site:
Because the NY Stem Cell Research Foundation is at Amsterdam and 66th. Planned Parenthood is at Broadway and 60th. There is also a very high profile plastic surgeon in this area, there used to be an anti-aging clinic/facility here too but it was shut down because they dispensed illegal prescriptions.
Columbus Circle is well to do area, where people would consider purchasing products made of aborted fetuses. NYC is abortion capital of the US.
I would greatly appreciate comments, or insights on my site.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dr. Seuss Propaganda Videos
an idea for JK
I read an article where 5 Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor where sentenced to death for deliberately infecting 400 children with HIV in Lybia. This week the group was demoted from the death sentence to life in prison after the parents of the children agreed to give them life in prison in exchange for 1,000,000 dollar compensation to each of the children.
I think here is a perfect example of a cross-contamination, which addresses the "dirty" in your joke: Instead of using the technology of medicine to cure, in this case it is being used to kill/poison. I think this opens the doors to many bio-political issues such as biological warfare, to wrongful diagnostics and pursposeful mistreatment [medical malpractices], euthenasia/assisted-suicide.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
All's Well That Ends Well
Soldiers who come back home and have a significant amount of trouble readjusting back into civilian life, especially those who suffer from PTSD (formerly known as Shell-Shock). These soldiers are placed in numerous therapeutic treatment institutions (out patient / in patient) that help them deal with their trauma using various methods such as Art Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Critical Mass is a bike ride and a movement, not an organization, and no two riders participate for exactly the same reason. But, they do ride (protest) for specific reasons from time to time: They rode against the Republican National Convention, and against the war in Iraq, for example. Critical Mass voice their opinions through non-violent means by simply riding their bicycles.
The function of this building will be to not only provide treatment for soldiers who suffer from PTSD, but also, to repair and maintain bicycles for Critical Mass. The soldiers, Critical Mass, and the bicycles will develop somewhat of a symbiotic relationship. The soldiers will come to rely on the bicycles for therapeutic reasons: The bicycles that are being repaired are also serving to repair the soldiers who are repairing them. This is not unlike Art Therapy wherein therapists conduct sessions with their patients as the patients create artwork. This method has been proven to help patients, who are otherwise resistant to therapy, become more open and honest about what they are feeling and thinking, making it easier for therapists to have a meaningful and productive dialogue with them. The repairing of the bicycles will have these same benefits and results.
The repaired bicycles will then be used by those who don’t have bicycles to participate in protests. These protests are the voice for these forgotten casualties of war. This building will give the soldiers a renewed sense of empowerment by giving them the feeling that they are, at some level, fighting the policies that put them there. The bicycles repair the soldiers who repair the bicycles that are used as extensions of the soldiers in order to ride for change.
Thomas Paine Park located in downtown Manhattan where Lafayette Street (Federal Plaza) and Centre St. (Foley Square) join at Duane Street. I chose this site because of its strategic location between: It is situated between the U.S. Courthouse, The Jacob K. Javits Federal Building, and the Supreme Court. This site becomes the fulcrum for change and stands in direct opposition of the institutions and agencies whose foreign policies have such dramatic consequences on those who serve in our military. The building, and its occupants, are there to serve as a reminder to not only those who implement these faulty policies but also to the passers-by, that we are all either directly or in-directly responsible for what has happened to them.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Dennis Oppenheim
Saturday, July 14, 2007
however those that are incomplete, obviously need to complete...right?
we are moving on and we need to start posting the films...
they need to be 100%...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Silent Shakespeare
Sunday, July 8, 2007
JUNGOK's Vanity

Macbeth has a complex study of evil and its corrupting influence on humanity. Through his diminishing humaneness he ultimately realizes, that renders pointless his ideal of man’s power. I think it deals with both side of human nature, being purity and impurity, and what comes back to human from the sense of deterioration. Please let me know if I’m making sense and being clear, or any suggestion.
Friday, July 6, 2007
martha rosler - semiotics of the kitchen
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Akira Kurosawa
He also did "Throne of Blood" which is based on Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and "The Bad Sleep Well" which is loosely based on "Hamlet"
Alex Villar
The Comedy of Errors...
there is also the issue of social classes, similar to the drunk man within the catholic church and how this division gets broken down.
I am in the process of reading and pinning down moments that explain the connections.
If anybody has a better idea or a comment to the way I made the relations, please say so.
thank you
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
All's Well That Ends Well
taming of the shrew
Comments? Anyone?
As is, I've lightly researched Shakespeare's comedies, and I think As You Like It may work, but I'm still working on it at the moment.
Also, (Marc) I was wondering if extending the corner posts to the floor for support, or maybe having another piece of wood do that (also at the corners only) would be a good idea, or if it would kind of loose the box language. I was thinking of having a couple of wood pieces outline the 'cube' volume that 'boxes' create, and supporting the boxes that way.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

According to Freud, the ‘need for punishment’ is the masochism proper to the ego which demands punishment, and ‘self-punishment’ is the activity by the super ego to which the ego submits. Freud explains that with Moral Masochism the ego eroticizes the feelings of guilt. The desire for punishment is then resexualized in a regressive way, becoming the source of masochistic satisfactions.
This project exploits moral masochism, and its cyclical nature, as a part of the human condition.
I have been researching Shakespeare’s comedies, but have not found anything pertaining to my ‘theme’. I have found a parallel drawn by some critics that isolates Desdemona, (of Othello) as a masochist who is repressing sexual desires as a result of societal norms; this eventually leads to her death. These critics have given her some responsibility for her own death because she is self-punishing. I am not sure if this is completely relevant and I am aware that Othello is a tragedy, not a comedy. I’m not sure how to proceed. Any advice in moving forward would be very much appreciated.
Review Notes
irene's review
Sunday, July 1, 2007
review tomorrow
i will see you in the morning.
we will begin @ 9am.
please have your fullscale model (wherever it needs to be located) and relevent diagrams, drawings and models pinned up nearby by 9am.
thanks in advance...please remember our time is tight.