Thursday, July 19, 2007

an idea for JK

Marc mentioned the idea of addressing a large socio-political issue, or an article in the news. You had stated you wanted to do a pharmacy.
I read an article where 5 Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor where sentenced to death for deliberately infecting 400 children with HIV in Lybia. This week the group was demoted from the death sentence to life in prison after the parents of the children agreed to give them life in prison in exchange for 1,000,000 dollar compensation to each of the children.

I think here is a perfect example of a cross-contamination, which addresses the "dirty" in your joke: Instead of using the technology of medicine to cure, in this case it is being used to kill/poison. I think this opens the doors to many bio-political issues such as biological warfare, to wrongful diagnostics and pursposeful mistreatment [medical malpractices], euthenasia/assisted-suicide.

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