Sunday, June 17, 2007


please comment/suggest/free associate if you get the chance.


marc said...

you need to put something out there for a reaction...
what is your proposal now?

adi said...

from the pinup:
the model is too close to the joke.
look up Jean Nouvel and Calatrave.
think about operational implications within the model.
"sex, lies and videotape" (movie), "poetics in space" (book).

my comments:
think about the significance of the eye as the visionary tool of our body. research how the iris actually getting lager and its structure.
also, i think the word "disapointment" at the end is important, the fact that expectations are not fulfilled or met. what does it mean that these expectations are coming from a young girl...
i dont remember if u mentioned it or not, but what was the philosophy behind it? that can give u several layers of info to add to your project.
also the difference btw the 2 girls in terms of knowledge, state of mind, etc...and the teacher positioned in btw, reacting both to the "school" material and to the "out of school" material.
the notion of parenting, authority and criticism is suggested in the joke...

JK said...

Notes from the last review:

Scale relationship
Why are those operative qualities?
Perception of Power
The real power = eyes
distinction of spatial authority
Virtual & real
Look up Calatrava

Kimberly said...

i think the key words for you are enlargement and perception. I agree with Adi in the clarification of your philosophical framework...exploiting these ideas for the construction can be much simpler than the scale of your model. The idea of power and perception is important. The projection of dirty-ness onto the teacher from the child...what does it mean to be a teacher where the students are so quick to accuse you of wrong doing?

Jose Gutierrez said...

These are some notes from the pinup:
-Perception of power
-Just illustrating the joke in a straight forward way
-Look up Calatrava
-Real power is in the eyes, not the genitals
-Teacher/student relationship